Friday, January 18, 2008

Commenwelth Eassy


A strong gust of wind swept across the deck of the cruise, ruffling through my hair as if there was someone tugging at it. The serenity of the sparking blue ocean stretched for miles in every direction. Deafening music boomed from speakers covering the ship with Jay Chou’s latest hits from head to tail. The mouth watering smell of barbequed chicken hung in the air.

As I poured a cup of Pepsi, I sang along to the song as it was one of my favourite. “Pssssss…” The cold, black gassy liquid filled up the cup quickly. I lifted the cup to my parched lips n tipped it down my dried out throat. ”Mmmmmm…” I exclaimed to myself. It was in the middle of the June holidays, hence we were having a party aboard my friend’s father cruise.

“Hey! Yo man! C’mon over and join us for some games!” Howard yelled. I nodded approvingly and made my way over to them.

“Yeah man! I won again!” Sarah squirmed with delight and high fived me as I sat down next to her. The scorching sun showed us no mercy as we started another round of twister. Bursts of laughter erupted from time to time as someone fell down in a jumble of arms and legs. Eventually, everyone fell on top of each other which formed a pile of sweaty, sticky bodies. All of us were in a high mood and were enjoying ourselves.

Then the smell of freshly cooked food wafted into our noses. We were surprisingly famished although we did not notice it. The delicious food was gobbled down in a wink of an eye as though we had not seen food before. I felt as if I could eat up a whole buffet table.

Time passed astonishingly fast as day turned to evening. The sky turned a purplish blue as the sun began to dip below the horizon. The cool blue ocean seemed extremely inviting and I felt like jumping in to wash off the thick layer of perspiration. Then one of the girls suggested that we play truth or dare. All nine of us agreed and set down on the deck in a circle. A variety of questions were being asked, all aimed to embarrass the person. Faces turned as red as a beetroot as many became awfully embarrassed.

Then my turn arrived. I knew what was in store for me. It was either truth or dare. I was doomed. After about a minute of silent pondering, I chose dare. A slight mummer rose from my company of friends. I grinned to myself as they had not anticipated me to choose dare. Then the verdict came. I felt as if I was a criminal and many different pairs of eyes were staring at me as my cockiness wavered.

“I dare u to walk on top of the ship’s railing” Howard boomed. Oh man. I had a horribly sick feeling in my gut. Sadly I had no choice. Slowly and shakily, I made my way over to the railing. My mind told me not to do it but being under peer pressure made me loose my sense of judgement.

The vicinity became astoundingly silent as I took my first step. It was as though I was making my death journey. My heartbeat increased tremendously fast as I advanced slowly along the railing. A tense feeling hung in the air. Then, from out of nowhere, a huge seagull swooped overhead. I do not know if it was a bad omen or what as I looked up. Distracted by the bird, I lost my footing and fell overboard.

At first the feeling of free falling felt pretty cool. It was as if I was on cloud nine. Then the ocean rose up to greet me. It looked so different. From the ship it looked so peaceful. However, from where I was, the gigantic rolling waves appeared to be like a monster waiting to devour me. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” I told myself as I was swallowed by the waves. The impact knocked the breath out of me as I sank deeper and deeper. Everything appeared to be so calm underwater. Everywhere I looked was blue. The blue evening sky, blue surface of the water and the horrible blue depths of the ocean. I hung there motionless in the deep blue still unable to recover from the shock. It all looked so still and made me feel like staying.

Then the cold salty water rushed up my nostrils as I snapped back to reality. With two powerful kicks, I headed to the surface. As I broke the surface of the ocean, a whole new sensation swept over me. It was as if I had broken out of the “monster’s” grasp and was free.

As if by magic, a rope was tossed to me, holding on to the rope with my remaining strength, I was hauled back on board. The moment I touched the deck , I collapsed. My last drop of energy was spent. Friends gathered around me to check me out, concerned over my present situation. However I took no notice of them. Lying soaked wet on the deck, tears welled up in my eyes as I was overwhelmed by the fact that I could have drowned. Unable to withhold the tears any longer, they finally trickled down my cheek.

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